Recommendation for infant care centre
Which infant care centre is good for baby around 4 months? Which one did you send your baby to and why?

I applied Sparkletots and My First Skool as these are the only ones nearby. Decide for your convenience too, just in case baby gets sick and need to fetch back. Sparkletots is right under the block but they were full, luckily got my babygirl in My First Skool which was 10mins walk away.
you might want to go for school tours/virtual tours to see the IFC near ur area. Convenience/assessibility is important - and the one sending the baby every day should be comfortable n able to manage.
choose the one near your house, convenient must be the 1st consideration, not the review cause I believe different parents have different expectations. It might be good for parents A but not for you
Check with MindChamps . I sent my baby there because of good reviews. So far so good.