Hi, when do you start to switch to using adult shampoo for your child? Which brand? Thank you.

So far, im still using baby shampoo for my 3 year old child. So far, this shampoo suits her fine so i guess i wont change te shampoo till perhaps she is like 5-7 year old. i will see if the current shampoo still suits her by then. i will also make sure that i will rinise well with clean water if jot thr residue on scalp leaving it looking flakey and itchy .
Read moreA friend of mine uses the same type of shampoo she uses on her toddler daughter because it's organic and have no harsh chemicals in it. So it depends on the shampoo content, I suppose? Maybe you can look at the contents of the shampoo and see if there are any age guidelines and follow accordingly?
About the age that they are able to bathe without assistance and knows that they need to close their eyes when they lather and rinse. You can try Diane Moist. It's an adult shampoo but gentle enough also for kids. This way you don't need to buy 2 shampoos for your home.
I give my child adult shampoo after he 11. Because I myself think that kids skin is too sensitive and soft to use adult shampoo. As I try before using adult hair shampoo for my boy, he feel itchy and I stop and I use kodomo shampoo for my boy. Hope this help
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They changed it when they were around 10 years old! No more interested in baby shampoos. We use Dove. One akin specialist recommended me saying that it is a mild version.
About the time your child reaches puberty should be a good time to start switching out products. I use Pantene! my younger brother uses Head and Shoulders
Probably to use it when your child can shower or bathe by themselve. Guide them how to use it to avoid shampoo go in their eyes. Work just fine
my kids age 8, 6 n 5 is already using adult shampoo but I buy those without chemical
I let mine use mine when he was about 3. I'm too lazy to go organic and stuff like that.