What's your recommendation of check ups/screening on normal child with high risk (eg myopic parents) in terms of frequency, and which specialist (optician vs ophthalmologists) ?

Thank you for your question, Sein-Tze. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, "Individuals who do not have symptoms but who are at high risk of developing ocular abnormalities related to systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension or who have a family history of eye disease, require periodic comprehensive eye examinations to prevent or minimize visual loss". More information can be found here: http://www.aao.org/clinical-statement/frequency-of-ocular-examinations--november-2009 In terms of whether you should see an optician and ophthalmologist, if your eyes are healthy and do not require specialized medical/surgical treatment, the type of specialist you do see is up to your personal preference. This page is useful in distinguishing between an optician and an ophthalmologist: http://www.allaboutvision.com/eye-doctor/choose.htm
Read moreMy cousins are both myopic and thankfully their 5 year old daughter does not seem to exhibit any signs of childhood myopia. They are quite strict when it comes to habits relating to the eyes eg frequent breaks after computer usage. What I found striking and I think contribute to their daughter's eye health is that they keep their daughter busy with outdoor activities like sports and nature.
Read moreFor babies below the age of 3, your child’s eyes will be screened during regular paediatric appointments. For children above the ages of 3, it is recommended that he/she goes through a routine eye checkup every one or two years.
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