What do you do when your child is bullied?

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my elder one was bullied, and she was in a lot of emotional stress as a result of the same. it took us time to help her understand that there is a difference between being rude and standing up for yourself. she is a very soft spoken child, but i have taught her after speaking to her over and over again that she has to stand up for herself and not get scared of anyone. when she knows that she is right, no one can tell her otherwise. also, she has to be strong enough to tell that person that bullying is not right, and if this is happening at school, your child needs to report this to the teacher immediately. you too as a parent should bring it up with the concerned authorities. bullying is a serious issue that harms children in more ways than we realize. so make them strong and confident, show them that you believe in them and tell them that you are always there to support them.

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7y ago

wow...thank you so much dear for your kind words :)

my child faced bullying in school and the moment i learned about it, i made sure to talk about it with the management. bullying is a real threat and is not to be tolerated at any class or level. i have told my child that if someone bullies, the best way to make them stop immediately is to stand up to them. when the bully knows he or she cannot intimidate you, the bullying will automatically stop. and yes, the child should report it to the teacher immediately.

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