What ready to eat foods are ideal for an 18 month old for travel?

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Pack your baby's favourite finger foods such as fruits and cereal puffs in resealable baggies. For ready-made-meals, Bellamy's Organic has a good range of ready to serve baby food in convenient packs that can be opened and resealed upon use. They are suitable for babies 6 months and above and come in various nutritious flavours. They retail for about $3.50 per pack. http://www.bellamysorganic.com.sg/product-category/ready-to-serve-baby-food/

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I used to pack small cheese sandwiches, biscuits, fruit that lasts (like grapes, cut in half) and packets of milk as snack items when my kids were that age and we had to travel. And of course, don't forget plenty of water.

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I carried fruits like apple and bananas with biscuits and bread. I had also carried baby cereals and powdered milk which are easy to feed by just adding water when your on the move.

I prefer to bring fresh fruits for my kid to eat while traveling. Altough some of our friends give biscuits and soft breads to their young ones, I will still pick fruits over them.

We usually pack bananas (comes in its own package), berries and cut apples (tupperware), and biscuits / rice crackers. They are all easy to bring along.