What is the treatment for constipation in babies?

If your baby has started on solid solids, you can add more fibre to his or her diet. Bananas, rice cereal, carrots, and cheese are common in most infant diets but they also tend to have a binding effect on stool, causing constipation. Foods like apricots, pears, prunes, peaches, and plums are better choices to help avoid constipation.
Read moreYou can feed some probiotics to your baby to improve his digestive system. BioGaia has probiotics suitable for young babies. Also, do help baby to massage his tummy to ease the constipation. You can refer to this sample video on how to do the massage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWFg0ODAQvE

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If your baby is 6 months and under, what I did to my then 3month old son was to add gripe water into his milk during feeding. It helps and he will poop the next day.

Hi. You may find this article useful: https://sg.theasianparent.com/homemade-remedies-treat-babys-constipation