Second scan

Went for my first gynae appt yesterday. Doctor said I'm just 6 wks through transvaginal ultrasound. Next appt is on 9 wks. Will there be any issues if I postpone my second appt to 12 wks so I can skip transvaginal scan? It's kinda painful / traumatizing for me.. Maybe I just didn't do enough research and got a shock that I had to do a transvaginal scan on my first appt. But I don't really want to do it again lol #firsttimemom #advicepls

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Hi! There’s no need for transvaginal scan usually from week 8-12 onwards as baby can be detected via ultrasound scan already. But just to confirm, u should definitely check with the nurses at the counter if it’s a private gynae or check with the hospital staff. Also do remember to drink plenty of water just before your scan on week 9, as the baby is still small so need to drink up a lot of water and hold your bladder so he/ she can show up on the ultrasound scan.

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