Second scan
Went for my first gynae appt yesterday. Doctor said I'm just 6 wks through transvaginal ultrasound. Next appt is on 9 wks. Will there be any issues if I postpone my second appt to 12 wks so I can skip transvaginal scan? It's kinda painful / traumatizing for me.. Maybe I just didn't do enough research and got a shock that I had to do a transvaginal scan on my first appt. But I don't really want to do it again lol #firsttimemom #advicepls

I think it is better not to skip the scan at 9/10weeks cos that is the time we can take the NIPT blood test to check for all the major diseases and the results takes 2 weeks, so by the time reach week 11/12, we will know if can proceed the pregnancy without any complications. If drag the scan to week 12 it might put body at risk... After shortlisting a few, I went to 2 different gynaes at week 6/7 to decide on which one to continue seeing and who to deliver my baby. First one, I did not feel pain at all doing the transvaginal ultrasound! Altho initially a bit shock &uncomfortable but it was alright. Second gynae, I was shocked cos it hurts so much and I was also traumatised like you did! So I suspect it has got to do with their skills..? U might want to visit a 2nd gynae..
Read moreHi! There’s no need for transvaginal scan usually from week 8-12 onwards as baby can be detected via ultrasound scan already. But just to confirm, u should definitely check with the nurses at the counter if it’s a private gynae or check with the hospital staff. Also do remember to drink plenty of water just before your scan on week 9, as the baby is still small so need to drink up a lot of water and hold your bladder so he/ she can show up on the ultrasound scan.
Read moreHi.. u can always ask for trans abdominal scan (tummy scan) instead. I went week 9 scan and it’s the dating scan to see when is the edd. I just told my gynae I don’t want TV so he just perform TA And baby is already big enough can be seen via TA . Don’t need drink many water cos baby inside water bag already
Read moreI had my normal abdominal scan during week 5, can see the sac very clearly but have to be full bladder. Did another scan during week 7, can see the heart beat. So probably you can let your gynae know your discomfort and see if can change to abdominal. Not recommended to have 6 weeks gap between visit.
Read morehi mummy, usually if 7weeks and above they’ll do an abdominal scan instead! regardless, if they decide to go with transvag, you can address your concern to them beforehand! also please do go for your check ups and scans. dont miss it, especially during your 1st tri! :) all the best! and congrats!
Tummy scan also can be painful if they can’t see well they have to push in your tummy to have better view. Especially if you have more fat on the tummy area haha. Pls don’t wait till 12weeks that’s a huge gap, they probably need to check the growth of the baby like heartbeat etc.
Best to consult your gynae and instead request for normal ultrasound instead, 6w to 12w is a really huge gap & I don’t think it would be such a good idea to go so long with an appointment but I can sort of understand the reluctance to do transvaginal…..
Perhaps you can request a normal ultrasound instead of transvaginal scan which it is very painful if gynae/doctor not careful or you are not comfortable. Though lubricating gel is use, yet it can be uncomfortable for us.
Dr wont di transvaginal scan unless they cant detect the baby as some are really hard to see at 6 weeks. By ur next appt, it would be easier to scan so normal scan is usually done. Don’t worry 😉
Week 6 to 12 is quite a huge gap imo. You can request for your gynae to perform a normal abdominal scan during your week 9 appointment actually :) I had abdominal scans since week 7 onwards.
Young mummy of two beautiful girls Loves to travel, ✈