Hypertension / high blood pressure
Was/Is any mummy diagnosed with gestational hypertension / high blood pressure? 1) when were you diagnosed? 2) how were you treated for it? 3) was there a suggested birth plan? C-sect? Induce early? Just take meds and wait till normal labour?

Hi mummy, i'm prediabetic and i have hypertension when i got pregnant. due to my condition baby gotten rapidly bigger starting at 2nd tri. 1) for hypertension is since 1st trimester. progressly increase till now my 3rd tri 2) i was admitted before my 3rd tri. started BP meds and aggressive diet. i stop my booster milk so baby wont grow rapidly. 3)I was suggested alot for C-Sect. have to delivered at 37 weeks. normally they wont wait till 39 weeks. they will monitor baby growth and suggest insulin if must to control baby growth and your diabetes as well. Normal delivery is 40/100 chances depends on your blood pressure and baby size. Is really up to you. the risk is there, forcep or large tear and even more effects if you go for normal. Always ask your gynaeđđťhope this helps
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