Other then First time mummies, Mummies at 2nd pregnancy onwards. do you feel unbearable as you reach the end? Like 32weeks onwards? can't wait to end it? i don't know how i ensure till 40weeks for my 1st child. Now at 3rd child, 32 weeks, i can't wait to end. I still have to handle the household alone and a elder ill aunt while my inlaws go for a quick holiday when i'm at my 36 weeks stretch! i don't know if i can manage it!!!

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Ermmmm in-laws went for a holiday and left everything to you? Wow. Superoutstanding. Anyways,you know what it's gonna and soon and by then you will wish baby was back in your tummy again. At least sometimes I do.

6y ago

hi dear

Me!!!! Yes I know what you mean. I couldnt stand it also. Really feel like freezing the moment. Take a warm shower and do stretching before you sleep. It really helps.

ok,na yan ako nabahala jan