May VaxCertPH ka na ba?
If you are fully vaccinated, you can get your own. πππ
What is VaxCertPH?
- It is the official digital vaccination certificate for Filipinos and non-Filipinos vaccinated in the Philippines that may be used for international and domestic travel.
Is this different from my vaccination card in the LGU?
- Yes! While both are valid, VaxCertPH complies with the standards set by WHO and aims to be internationally recognized.
Who can apply for VaxCertPH?
- For pilot launch, it is only available for NCR/Baguio residents and passengers departing for international travel. Eventually VaxCertPH will be available for everyone. Stay tuned for updates.
How do I generate my VaxCertPH?
- Through this website:
- Go to LGU for assistance
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