Until what age will your child co-sleep with you?
1992 responses
Toddler is already 3 yo and we're still co-sleeping. Me and my 2 bros were also raised co-sleeping with our parents. I was in 4th Grade when I got used to sleeping in my own room. I will let my child sleep beside me whenever he wants to. Besides he's not going to be a baby forever.
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My kid now 2yrs .. just started to make him sleep in his crib.. it’s difficult to co sleep with him now , coz he turns so many angles n kicks in the mid nt.. do not advisable after 2yrs to co sleep :( but I miss him
Huh why would you co sleep with your baby. Maybe it's cultural but we are advised to not co sleep with the baby. So you can have a life, you know what I mean. (No disrespect or offence) YOU DO YOU!
My kids co-sleep with us since day 1. Both my husband and I have an agreement that we will co-sleep with them until the day they are ready to move to own room/bed. My eldest is 6 still on my bed.
I've put 2-5 years because he's 2 years old soon and we've been co-sleeping since birth! However, it's all up to him - we will co-sleep until the day he says he wants to sleep by himself :)
Hoping that they will be independent, however as asian parents i still don feel safe to let them sleep alone at young age, so they will co slp with us till they go to primary 1.
sometimes due to environment constraint, it is not up to individual. i intend to do it one step at a time. after she was potty trained
i'd rather co-sleep with my daughter until she's mature enough to be on her own.
As long as they wanted to as I've co-sleep with my parents up until high school