4 Replies

Not too early! You can start packing your hospital bag too! I kept thinking I still had a lot of time and suddenly I got admitted into hospital for threatened pre term labour at 32 weeks. While I was staying in hospital I kept regretting not nesting earlier and my hospital bag not packed. I was super stressed. Luckily baby decided it wasn’t his time to come yet. So these few weeks I have been chionging to do everything because my gynae kept telling me it can be anytime from now. Haha. So kiasu abit is always good! :) I washed all baby’s clothes and then keep them in a clean airtight container. You can use ziplock bags also if you feel from now till baby’s arrive is too long. :)

I started washing at week 32 too. Cause I scare I will be toooooo tired to due with all these when the date getting nearer. Just do whatever u can before the tiredness starts. Ahhahahahahaha

I started washing at 35 weeks. Now 37 weeks will start to wash the bottle and pumps!

I started washing at 37 weeks but it’s up to your comfort level. 😊

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