I'm a mother of a 2yrs 4months girl.She's still using pacifier.Any tips,on how to stop using it?
Toddler still using pacifier

My kids don't use pacifier but i did! I was into my pacifier until it was torn apart and i still want to suck it 😂 My mother bought a new one and i rejected it. Do you feel your child will reject a new pacifier in a different shape? If yes, you can try. Each child is different.. so there will be a lot of trial and error. Some malay mummies actually put 'asam jawa' / tamarind on the pacifier. I did this to stop breastfeeding my son. Another way is to cut the tip of the pacifier every 1 week until its gone.
Read moreMy LO self weaned at 18mo by tyco 😅. I was planning to upsize her pacifier to the 18-36m one (diff brand from the one she usually use), she rejected immediately and when I gave her back her old one, she probably thinks it’s the new one so she rejected both. From there I just keep all the pacifier out of her sight and it worked 😅. Alternatively, keep trying to explain to her that she’s no longer a baby already and let her have the honour of “sending off” her pacifier 😊.
Read moreOnce your pacifier torn, tell her shop never sell anymore. Otherwise hide it away. I did this with my #1. She did cry but understood about throwing away pacifier after awhile.
once the current one spoilt , cut into half and show her it spoilt and cant be use. but i still have back up when he is crankly
not experience