how to drop a nap

Toddler 3 years old. How to drop from 2 Naps to 1 without any drama?

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If your toddler is 3, he is probably ready to drop a nap. The sure indicator of this is his/her reluctance to go down for a nap. If it is the case, he is definitely ready. My guess is, he takes a nap early in the morning and then late in the afternoon. To transition to one nap, you will have to work towards him dropping the morning/evening nap and keeping the afternoon one. Firstly, for about one or two weeks, do not let him nap for more than 45 minutes at a go. Wake him up. He may be cranky, but will get used to it. At this age, he needs to sleep around 12 hours at night and 0-45 mins during the day. So, advance his bedtime to 6 30 - 7 PM so that he sleeps for 12 hours. Once that happens, he will automatically sleep less during the day. So be patient, advance the bed time, and don't let him sleep for more than 45 minutes during the day.

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