Toddler speech development

My toddler is 19 mo and she does not seem to like to open mouth to talk to us. She does called us mama and papa without being prompt. But for other things like want snack, see car etc she will only point at them but does not speak to tell us. She also understand what we are talking to her, but just doesn't want to speak up talk to us. Is my toddler having speech issue? I am getting very worried for her.

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Super Mum

Hi Evelyn, don’t worry.. continue to encourage her to say common words and when asking for things. Talk to her more, it’ll help. Jia you!

my baby just turned 2yo last month. He just started saying words hehe Youtube also helped.

do you provide screen time? if yes, pls reduce.

4y ago

no. I did not provide screen time at all.