Car accident with 6 month old baby onboard

Hi. Today we got into a car accident with our 6 month 5 days old baby... though my mum held on to my baby really tight, he got into shock and cried out loud. However, after that, he seems well, like back to normal playful type. Just that now even with normal sneezing sounds will scare him to the extent of crying. We are bringing him to kkh ane now.. what else should I monitor? #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls #pleasehelp0

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Super Mum

Poor baby.. look out for lethargy, abnormal movements, poor feeding, tummy swelling up, new bruises that form anywhere... And if this is your own car, please get a baby seat with proper seatbelts. They help a lot in lessening the shock and protecting baby. Yes he will cry initially and not want to be strapped up. But once trained, he’ll be okay. Hope he feels better soon!

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