no much special preparation when it comes to vaccination unless the baby will be receiving rota vaccine the nurses will advise u (mom or caregivers not to feed 30mins before the vaccination to avoid vomiting) for newborn they are not advised to give any antipyretic medication (panadols/paracetamol) usually warm compress only will be advised as their body is still too young to receive medications..just continue your normal baby mommy day routine and just add abit more TLC as baby feel the pain of the needle but everything will gonna be fine.hope it helps u happy parenting😊😊
Clinic will give paracetamol so just give if it exceeds 37.5. Mine usually took like 2 doses then will be fine. Also can stick fever patch. But most will sleep more e day when jab so it’s quite normal. If LO wants to sleep o think it’s fine cos running fever. If not can also wake LO up if u think the sleep is too long. Once u got first time experience, the 2nd round won’t be so paranoid ☺️
U will be given paracetamol. I prepared baby forehead cooling patch and thermometer. She’s done it 3 times and so far, we only encountered higher body temperature once, otherwise everything is normal as usual.
just wipe her down