loss weight in kg n inches
three years already, my weight is bloody 65kg. I supposed to be 50kg. i only can see loss in inches. Why so difficult to loss in kg?? i m depressed

I am not an expert in weight losing.. Just sharing what I know.. Firstly, did you count your calorie intake everytime you eat? You can dl any calorie counting apps and count your calorie whenever you eat. You can use this link : https://www.healthhub.sg/programmes/94/calorie-calculator to find out how much calorie do you need in a day and do not exceed your calorie intake. Remember to eat your food slowly as well. Secondly, have to start exercising at least thrice a week, for at least 30mins per session. Do cardio exercises such as running, swimming, jumping ropes. If not you can also follow some youtube videos to do cardio workouts. Try to take the stairs instead of escalators/lifts. Remember to drink more water and stay hydrated. Lastly, get enough sleep. Not easy for us parents to get enough sleep daily but this is important as lack of sleep is related to retaining more weight after pregnancy. Maybe can try to ask your husband to help and look after your kids while you get more sleep? Hope this helps.
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