Poly or direct?

Is there such thing where I go to poly to get referral to kkh, and I want my own gynae? Or in any case I go thru subsidized rate first and then when I'm in 6/7 months due, I call up kkh to get my own gynae, considered I want it private?

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You can go via subsidy for all the test and scan; then convert to private later on for delivery. You can go to NUH, SGH or KKH. For subsidy, it will be different gynae in each visit, but they are professionally trained doctors hence the advices given are equally good. As for private, it is more for the extra service which of course you have to pay for. Hence it is up to you, of cost is not an issue and you prefer to only see one gynae then go to private, otherwise subsidy is equally good at an more affordable chargers.

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4y ago

thank you so much! :)

Not possible to choose your own gynae when you go under subsidise (poly referral) and by 6-7 mths it'll be too late already to choose your gynae.