Stroller to recommend
Any strollers to recommend that’s is with good quality? #stroller #strollerbaby

I’m considering getting the beblum navuto plus that i saw at baby hyperstore! Super good wheels and also one hand fold, can also add on infant car seat bassinet on the stroller haha.
Got my little one the Joie SMA Baggi 4WD Flex Signature! Not sure if he likes it tho cos I’ve yet to pop hahah but it’s lightweight, one hand fold, both parent and world facing
i now use crolla, its compact..foldable, light & easy to bring need to bring the bulky one...crolla brand now promo..u can check it out
keenz! it's easy to bring around,foldable and one hand set up. the basket is huge so it's perfect to keep your shopping loots too.

Bugaboo strollers look pretty solid, just ordered the bee 6 and looking forward to use it!
I’m considering the nuna triv!
Joie litetrax 4
Ok thanks