When did your child stopped using a pacifier?
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6 to 7 Months
8 to 9 Months
10 to 11 Months
After 12 months
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Still using it now she 19mths ( But she herself knows when she wants to sleep she hugs her FAV pillow & pacifier time & mid sleep also she removes it by herself) once awake SHE DOES NOT USE IT ;)
One refused and the other hung on to hers well after one year
like smelly chouchou dont allow my kids to have pacifier
I don't know...she is 8 months and still using it.
My daughter never used pacifier since birth
I try to stop using it when they turn 1
Super Mum
My child doesnt use pacifier at all
Both kids had never used pacifier
Both my kids as newborns refused.
VIP Member
Never use at all. He dislike it
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