1year 1 month old baby boy not STTN
he would still cry for milk at least twice at night. Any tips to wean off night feeding (formula milk, via bottle)? Need help! Want to have my sleep already 😅🤫🙏🏼

Perhaps you can start giving formula milk in small ml at night before bedtime this might help him to STTN. I only wean off night feeding close to 14 months for my first child as she still on BM. When she naturally wean off, we give FM but that's only once awhile at night. She's a heavy sleeper hence she rarely wake up for milk at night unless she wake up by sudden or she feel thirsty. Now that she's 5 years old she only drink milk before bed time. Anything in between, so far nothing. As for my second child, she's 2 months old. She only BM direct latch and change of diaper once. After that she will STTN.
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