My stand alone freezer needs more spaces. It has reached the maximum capacity of storage for my breast milk. These two days, I have been clearing my earliest supply from Feb 2016. I have mixed in the portion of 70% old chilled bm and 30% new chilled bm (Both at same temp before mixing). After every feeding, my lo seems very happy with the milk. Showing sign of smiling and very satisfied look. As such, he is making eh eh sound after each feeding to show that he wants more. I'm really puzzled. Why is this so? Or it is coincidentally he needs to wean soon? I did many milk bathe before, probably >10 times. I notice my old stash of frozen bm are more oily then new stash. Why is this so? My lo is 5 month and 3 days today. He is a boy and I'm an exclusive pumping mum.

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Usually frozen milk are more oily cos it has been freeze. When it is standing alone to be freeze, the oil/fats will rose to the top (Btw, I'm using bottle to store.) When you defrost, the fats are always on the top and that is the reason why we swirl it before feeding. Similarly when you use it for milk bath, it is the same, the fats will still be there, dat's why it is oily. I feed baby the same amount but at shorter intervals. My baby is now 7.5 mths and am only feeding 120ml of BM during the time when he is in IFC and in the morning, he is fed brown rice cereal with 50ml of BM. When he is home, he is fully latch on demand.

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