Will my ss be affected if I drag my pump time from 3 to 4 hourly? TIA!

The short answer is - it depends. It depends on how much time you have to drag your pump. Say for example, your body is currently trained to pump 200ml every 3 hours. You need to teach your body to pump at least 200ml every 4hrs. What you need to do is when you've ensured that your supply has stabilised at the 3hrly mark, drag your pump by 3.5 hrs, do this consistently for 3-5 days, and if you notice supply dips, cut back to 3 hrs, wait for it to stabilise and then start again. When you've managed to stretch it till 3.5 hrs, repeat the process by stretching it to 4hrs. Some can do it faster without following this method, but some will see a drop in supply. You know your body best, your call.
Read moreI think it varies for individual. Some may or may not experience a drop since it is only an hour different. You may wish to monitor when you try it out. If u expereince a drop, mayb u can compensate it by increase the pumping time? If still able to meet the demand of your baby then shouldnt be an issue. It really depends on your needs of dragging the time. Whether the purpose is because u want to wean off? Or because of work? Or because you need to rest. For me wjen I drag from 3 to 4hrs, no change. When when I drag to 8hrs because of work, I can see a drop. Thus when i reach home I'll latch my baby.=)
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i've gradually extend my sessions from 2 hourly to 3 - 4hrs (sometimes 5-6hrs)....and my supply increase! perhaps u may wanna pump for 20mins + hand express if u drag longer than usual. hope this helps
Shouldn't be an issue. However, try not to drag too Long. My supply dipped by 10-20% due to irregular pumping schedule at work (sometimes only managed to pump after 5-6 hours).
For 1 pump in once awhile is ok. But for continuous, the next pump u have more amount but the next next pump, u will get lesser instead.
for me.. it does not affect much as it is just 1 hr differ. ^_^