Ada biji2 halus area puting payudara

Sorry soalan ni mgkin kelakar kt certain nk tnya..ada ke org disini yg putingnya (to be specifix tempat keluar susu) tu dia mcm berbiji2 kt whole area..bukan area areola tp kt tpt puting keluar susu..septutnya hanya ada 1 lubang shaja kan tpt keluar sy tgk kt diri sy ada biji2 bnyk..risau, bnda apa ni... Sy xpnh tilik sgt sblm ni tp skrg bru terperasan..mmg normal ke #pregmomistbaby

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Ada banyak lubang sis. Normal je tu. Kalau rajin lepas mandi lap sikit dengan tuala basah

1y ago

oh mmg normal pn tak pernah prasan sblm ni..okay2..tq ya ;) lega sikit dgr

VIP Member

Ada byk lubang..yg berbijji maybe tersumbat?

1y ago

sy pn xsure psl smlm ada tnya doc..katanya normal (montgomery glands) namanya Montgomery's tubercles are a normal part of breast function. They're usually nothing to worry about. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, they're likely benefiting you and your baby. The tubercles shouldn't cause pain, in fact, you probably won't even notice them most of the time