Some studies suggest that the number of teenagers suffering a heart attack has increased. Is there anything parents can do during the child's early years so that can they can prevent it from happening in the future?

I strongly feel that nowadays there is so much adulteration in almost everything that we are practically living on the edge. It is not that kids didn't overeat say 20 years back and they all the time ate healthy. All generations, have their own bad foods, unhealthy foods or junk foods. It was never in any generation when parents didn't tell their kids not to eat such and such stuff. But in toady's times, no doubt innumerable items have added to junk food but at the same time because of adulteration even healthy things have turned bad. Don't you read bananas are injected to make them ripe overnight, or other veggies are dipped in chemical solution to make them grow good. All we can do is be cautious while buying vegetables, fruits and eatables. When buying readymade, read ingredients carefully and avoid foods with preservatives. As much as possible eat home-cooked food. And better is each one of us should have small kitchen gardens where we can grow regular veggies. If not a garden then plant whatever you can in little pots. Buy organic food. Yes, exercise plays an important part in keeping all ailments at bay. We should ensure that kids should have enough physical activity which is taken over by phones, tablets and TV. Sorry for the long answer, but each time I buy eatables from market be it veggies or fruits or even milk, I pray that it should be unadulterated and safe for my kid.
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Workout daily and eating healthy this would help stying healthy. And by workout I don't mean send then to gym, any sort of workout would be fine like jogging, doing yoga, home workouts etc