Do your toddlers get sick often?
Hi mummies, first time mum here. After my boy started playgroup, he has been sick so often… for the past two months he was down with cough and flu. Got better went to school a few days and sick again. The cycle keeps repeating itself. What do you all do? And how are you going to tell your boss u keep need to wfh?#pleasehelp #advicepls #FTM #firsttimemom

Yes tt's true. My boy was taken care of by my mom up till he's 1 year old. Not once did he catch a flu bug during tt first year of his life. But aft I've changed workplace, it wasn't convenient to drop him off there so I decided to send him to playgrp. Within just 6 months, he caught HFMD twice. A few cases of runny nose and fever too despite alr taken the flu injection. I guess the immune system was still adjusting but now aft a year, he's sick less often now. I give him Scott's emulsion daily now and up his fruits intake since he's alr more than 2 years old. I wish I cld wfh but as a teacher I can't. I had my RO telling me to take less CCL (even tho I haven't even exceed the max no. of 6 days) but what can I do if my boy is sick right. Honestly I hate how some supervisors aren't exactly as supportive for working moms but tt's life. I take care of other ppl's children but can't even take time off to take care of my own. 😔
Read moreYessss my baby is 17 months at ifc and has been sick on and off. Centre refuses to ventilate classrooms cos teachers are hot and sweaty…….🙄 However I took extra precautions with my child now. I have her put on the onion sticker 24/7 in school whether sick or not. It helps her breathing better. It’s difficult for me too since i teach and husband is doing shifts. We don’t have other help so ifc was the only option. We have tried a young nanny from nannysg and it was great too! She was basically a mom whose kids are in pri school. Husband and I don’t have the option of wfh 😅 so we have to source out from help. We don’t take maid either cos I prefer to have baby in ifc since it’s helping a lot with the developmental needs. Can consider nanny from websites and reviews so don’t have to keep wfh!
Read moremy kidz r looked after by their grandmothers but i have always heard that this is common in infant care 🙏