Adding dialect name in birth cert
Hi mummies, I was wondering if anyone still include dialect name in birth cert? I’m having trouble translating the name I want for my girl from Chinese to Hokkien. 😅

keep it simple, easier for the kids as well in fact, the surname already represent Dialect I didn't even put Chinese name for my lo, only surname + Christian name 😅
could always ask your parents :) why not? I think there's the novelty of having a dialect name :)
my own chinese name & dialect name very similar so didnt feel the need for my kids 😅
We had that trouble too. Ended up just keeping the chinese name as dialect as well 😂
Nowadays no one really does that just your english name and chinese name
I won’t include. I don’t want to confuse the kid
Nope. Just their chinese and English name.
no more dialect name now