Pregnancy test
Can anyone tell me if this is invalid or positive? I last checked 2 weeks ago was negative 🙄

If the second line appeared within 5 mins then it shld be an early positive. If it was left longer, it cld be an evaporation line ( false positive). Test again the next day. It will appear darker if its positive. Test with the first urine in the morning.
It depend when the line appear. I recalled any reading after 10-15min is voided. If it is within the timeframe advice, then I will think it is positive. Do take another test to confirm, that is what I did. Good luck.
Read more2days later get a clearblue digital version. Then find a gynae 2weeks later. If lil one is too small, hard to see on screen so wait abit bigger than check with Dr. Congrats in advance. 😉
Congratulations! It’s positive! Perhaps u are at your early stage of preg, hence one of e line wasn’t that obvious.. Which I previously also had e same result! 😊
It is positive and if you really want to double check/want to know do go to polyclinic cause they will do urine test to see whether are you really pregnant or not
Looks like faint positive. If you want to be sure, can see a gynae to do a blood test. Otherwise you can repeat the test maybe in 2-3 days time. ☺️
Congrats on ur pregnancy and if u want to make sure it’s positive u may either go to the GP or polyclinic to double confirm the pregnancy.
Got the same thing when i checked mine, so i webt to the docs to double confirm and it came out positibve.
its positive. Do try with morning urine to confirm :) do update us :) congratulations ❤
Read moreIt’s positive. But to double confirm, you may test again few days later.