My skin tone has become two shades darker ever since I gave birth last November. Is this normal?

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skin pigmentation is normal during and after pregnancy, and it can affect different women in different ways. my friend had a lot of pigmentation on the face and arms, but i had very less and only on my face. you can use raw tomato and potato jucie on the affected areas as they will naturally lighten the skin and balance out your skin tone by reducing and preventing pigmentation.

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yes it is very normal to experience skin pigmentation when you are pregnant, and in some women, the condition remains well after delivery is over. i also had a lot of pigmentation when i gave birth the first time, and it took almost a year for it to go away completely. the second time it went away way sooner

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Yes, it's normal. It's called melasma and it happens due to changes in hormones. It will go away in a few months but for now, best to wear sunscreen when you are heading out to prevent further darkening.

Yes it's normal. Give it sometime. It may go away. Otherwise try exfoliating .

Lemon extracts helps :)