should I offer soother/pacifier to my newborn? As he always open his mouth widely even he is full.

I agree with Reine that it is more of a personal choice. One important thing is note would be that a pacifier should not be taken as a substitute for nurturing or feeding. Here are some useful guidelines to manage your baby’s pacifier use: - Allow your baby to choose whether or not he wants the pacifier - Offer the pacifier when you know that he is not hungry (e.g., between feedings) - Avoid using the pacifier as a way to delay baby’s feeding - Try giving your baby the pacifier before nap time - Do not tie a pacifier around your baby’s neck or attached it to the crib You can refer to this site for more useful information on pacifier use:
Read moreThis is more towards personal preference. Some mummies says that it will affect the growth of the teeth. I have given both my boys pacifier since they are born when in the hospital. My elder one teeth grow fine. I feel that it is more to generic than using the pacifier. I have friends reject giving pacifier to their child due to this reason and most of them are sucking their thumb. That will be harder to "wean" off than a pacifier.
Read moreHi. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. Wow. That is very fast of you offer the pacifier when still in hospital. :) Yes. I agree that sucking thumb is more difficult to wean off as I have a friend who still sucking the thumb till now. lol
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Hi, thank you for your useful tips. Will take note of it. :)