When to see doctor for nausea
Second pregnancy, 8 weeks. My first pregnancy was a smooth one so I’m not sure how bad is bad. Been feeling nauseous the whole day. Can still keep food and water down but the constant nausea is keeping me off socialising. Tired of gagging on top of already being tired. When do I see the doctor? Is this considered bad or normal? Thanks in advance.

as long as you can still keep food and water down, you don't really need to see a doctor. i had my worst morning sickness from week 9 all the way to week 13 .. all i can stomach is icy cold water, plain biscuits and toast .. i literally live on just that for a month plus .. when i told my gynae, she said its normal and gave me MS medicine but it doesn't work for me . i still feel nauseaous .. i cannot smell food, see any images of food or try other food th enabove mentioned .. my food aversion was a nightmare .. can't even go out to malls cause i feel i wanna puke .. so yeah, if you cannot stomach any food down, thats the time to see the doctor .. you prolly need the iv drip .. if u can still eat, even just a biscuit, it is totally normal.
Read morehi babe, I've been through that phase.. I did not go for any social gatherings as I didn't feel like I'm up for it. My bag is stocked with plastic bags and sometimes I would feel like I need to get down public transport halfway cuz I feel so nauseated I am so afraid I can't control my puke. It's normal as morning sickness is a common symptom in the first trimester. I did end up going to my doctor at week 8 to get diclectin cuz I couldn't wait until the next appt . the good thing is most of the time, the morning sickness will subside from second trimester onwards. Hang in there! take care!
Read moreI'm a ftm and I had it far worst from week 9 to week 12 because I can't drink and eat and lost 10kg during that period.. but doctor reassure baby is ok during 1 of the appointment because they know how to get nutrient from the mother, only the mother need to make sure don't dehydrate