They say it takes a village to raise a child, some moms found their tribe here in the app. We may be from different walks of life, varied educational attainments and backgrounds, but we all are parents, cruising in this journey of parenthood.
Do our share in keeping this app a safe place for us parents, especially moms in sharing our joys and hurdles in parenting, from conceiving, pregnancy, breastfeeding and beyond.
💙 Let's answer question as nicely as we can, no matter how silly we find them, for all we know that is an honest to goodness, curious and innocent question.
❤ report rude, shaming or bullying comments and/or posts.
I also invite everyone to read the app's Community Guidelines ( you can find it in the Settings) and let's take #1 to heart. 💙❤
#bekind #parenting #safespace #momshelpingmoms #positivevibesonly #TAPmomsarecoolmoms #TAPVIPmoms #MunimuniNiTanie
#CommunityGuidelines #NoToMomShaming #NoToBullying #becompassionate