Binder after c sect
is it safe to wear binder after c section? How long should I wear for? Was told to wear it during my stay in hospital but I forgot to ask how long should I wear it for

Best to wear min 12 hours a day for 100 days. But for c sect better to wait till wound is better before wearing or buy those binders that are engineered to be used for c sect mommies. Upspring is pretty good. Binder helps give your back and pelvis support so that you don’t feel so painful when moving around during the initial couple of weeks. The other reason is for the uterus, muscles and skin to contract back fast. I delivered naturally 4 weeks ago and have been wearing upspring binder for about 18-20 hours daily. My tummy is nearly back down to pre pregnancy size!
Read more30-60 days
Whts the reason for wearing a binder?