Hello, any reviews for Raffles House Preschool at Toa Payoh? Is there any good preschools at Toa Payoh that you would like to recommend?

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Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di https://shope.ee/9UfEMMqqTg (id-18373)

I would avoid My First Skool at Blk 192 Toa Payoh Central after the 2013 scandal of the teacher treating the kids roughly

Just wondering cos I tot raffles hse presch in tpy shifted to gold hill? To ride on anyone has review ?

Try searching in ECDA for more info. https://www.ecda.gov.sg/pages/default.aspx