Is it a red flag that my baby starting from 2 mths plus till currently 3 mths not waking up at night for milk?
120ml per feed...last feed 10pm or 12mn..will slip thru e night till 6+7+or8+ morning then ask for milk..
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Yes normal my baby’s only now sometimes feed 1 or 2 time when midnights…and she only drinking 90ml 120ml seems a lot maybe that’s why she sleep thru or she just tired…
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yup normal. be happy you can get more sleep! my first was like that but my second wakes up all the time. I miss the long sleeps!
my baby will drink at 9pm. wake up around 3 or 4am. think normal. can sleep 6 hrs longer now also
Yup normal as long as his milk intake is enough during the day-evening