6 Replies

Super Mum

Hi Mama! I know you’re feeling overwhelmed right now. The first few months after birth can be brutal. Please please get the support of your husband and family to help you out. It take a village to raise a kid. Hang in there mama! It’s going to get better as baby gets bigger.

Welcome to Motherhood my dear...Prepare not to sleep well for the next few months. Try n get help from your family to look after your baby for a few hours so that you can have some rest. Dont worry this will pass too just hang on.

Ya i felt the same now also… hardly have enuff time to rest and when I overslept my pump or baby feed time i get so much guilt… plus bb’s weight gain bit slow so stress but yeh… hang in there I believe it will get better

You are the best mummy to your baby, the best possible for the baby. Prepare to rotate schedule with your husband so that either one can rest a bit throughout the night.

Super Mum

yes, we all experienced the same. it is super tiring after birth but will get better as time goes by. Hang in there. Get support from husband if you can't handle.

This is every mum who will be going through the same thing. but when you see them smiling it's worth everything

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