Responsible FURenthood: Usapang Anti-Rabies

Rabies Ranks 11th among the major killer diseases according to World Health Organization. In our country, it is responsible for the death of 200 to 300 Filipinos annually. It is considered one of the neglected disease, but the most fatal infections 😥 though preventable. Vaccination is always the key. This Rabies Awareness Month let us broaden our knowledge and understanding on rabies prevention. Learn more on how to protect yourself against rabies, most especially if you own a fur baby. 👩🏻👩‍👧💉🐕 Tune in this Tuesday, March 23rd, 6pm at @theasianparent_ph FB page and in partnership with for another #FamHealthy live session on Responsible FURenthood: Usapang Anti-Rabies. Let us be a responsible fur parents. And enjoy peace of mind while caring for our fur babies by getting them vaccinated, too. 🐶🐱👩‍👧 #TeamBakuNanay #ProudtobeABakuNanay #AllAboutBakuna #HealthierPhilippines #VaccinesWorkForAll #SanofiActs #vaccinessavelives #vaccine #addedimmunity #protectionagainstdiseases #TAPVIPMoms

Responsible FURenthood: Usapang Anti-Rabies
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Agree with you mommy vaccination is the way to go, thank you for sharing this👏