Milk sprays while pumping
Question: Am I supposed to see many sprays inside the flange as I pump? Cos I only see one spray, for maybe a minute max, then it will just be droplets slowly dripping and accumulating before flowing down to the valve. Am I not pumping correctly? Am FTM new to pumping, did csect 3 weeks ago. I use Spectra S1 pump, and I usually do Cycle 1, suction level 2 to 4, for 15 to 20 mins. Is this correct, or what will you suggest?

Not really. Our nipples can have 1 to 18 pores which made the sprays. I read this from Instagram on a lactation consultant's post. Really great info! As long as you have letdowns. I normally do cycle 70 which is for the massage mode at level 4-5 to get the letdown first. Probably in a minute to 3 minutes when it happen then I'll switch to the expression mode cycle 54 level 8-9 to get the most of my milk. Once it slows down, I'll repeat the same step until I get the 2nd letdown which may takes a while. Learnt this method from a lactation consultant too from a FB group under breastfeeding. Check your flange. Could also be the wrong size. Measure your nipple before pumping to get the correct size then plus 2-3mm. I've been using the wrong size all this while, no wonder I get very little amount. Used Real Bubee before this and it was the standard 24mm flange then I switched to using S1 with 21mm flange. Don't be discourage with your milk supply for now. Our supply may take up to 6 mths to establish so keep pumping, for your case 8-12 times a day. Try to follow groups or LC in Instagram. It really helps to build knowledge and make you feel confident that you can do it.
Read moreIt’s normal. Your body is slowly producing milk. If you let your baby latch on, your body will produce more milk as the time goes by. It’s the same as pumping. The milk production will increase as the time goes by. Suction level is to your own comfort. If you are okay with the suction level then it’s ok. Do remember to massage your breast first before pumping or latching on.
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