Dislike protein, how?

No protein (eggs, meat, fish, prawn, beef) taste or look appetising to me. I feel nauseous looking at them and is not consuming them. 😢 I'm currently 8 weeks. Any advice fellow mummies? I'm afraid baby doesn't have enough nutrients.

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Baby is not taking nutrients from you at this stage yet. Don’t worry! Just make sure you’re taking your folic acid and drinking enough water daily. Alternatively, you can consider drinking pregnancy milk.

3mo ago

Some brands have chocolate pregnancy milk too 😁 one day a cup is fine.

I'm 7 weeks and I find them nauseating, cannot tolerate the smell of raw meat either. I take soybean and tofu to make up for the protein, dark green leafy veg for iron. Hope this helps!

3mo ago

thank you for listing the alternatives. sadly, I don't take any of them 😅 am I picky eater to start with. and pregnancy aversion is making is alot more difficult.

If you're ok with it maybe have it spicy? I eat mala kind to hide the taste and I works for me. the next best alternative for me was Chinese soups