When will you plan your next date with your spouse? Find more interesting fact to spicing up your date night: https://sg.theasianparent.com/spice-up-your-date-night
When will you plan your next date with your spouse?
Find more interesting fact to spicing up your date night: <a href='https://sg.theasianparent.com/spice-up-your-date-night' target='_blank' >https://sg.theasianparent.com/spice-up-your-date-night</a>
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Planning for it from a long time and we are trying to have it soon

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We were supposed to go somewhere but keep postponing oh well

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we dont date...we just buy groceries together sometimes

We still make it a point to have it once a month

Wedding anniversary coming, so, soon.

Its been long since we went on a date


May God make everything ok soon

None yet due to the pandemic.

We go on dates all the time

When we’re not so busy