When to test for pregnancy?
My period seems to be delayed this month and the symptoms of ovulation (sore nipples), cramps and bloatedness only happened few days ago. I was sexually active and not sure if I’m pregnant. I tested few days ago and the kit showed negative. When should I test again?

I used the early detector kinda pregnancy kits (those that says 6 days earlier), 1-2 days before my expected period. It showed positive but line was very faint. I used clearblue to confirm after 4 days. Your HCG levels will increase every 48 hours if you’re positive. If you want to be safer, perhaps can wait for a few more days. My SIL shared that she only tested 2 weeks after missed period.
Read moreHi, you can test again in a few days time. Pls use clearblue as its more accurate. When is your next period? My test kit showed positive 1-2 days before my next period. I’m currently 13 weeks pregnant.
if your period is always regular, maybe can try again in another 2 days because hcg should increase every 2 days.. if your period not always regular, can try testing around 1 week later..
Usually I test 14-15 day late to be safe. Cuz I know if I test on the 14, if negative, period will come next day. If 15th day (last time I check ) is pregnant.
2 weeks after missed period and test first thing in the morning.