721 responses
Not an easy task to just walk away. If we ask our kids to say NO and walk away then they might feel that their parents are not understanding them. It is better to educate and train our kids to face these kinda problems.
Really depends on situation. At times it may be better to just ask the child to walk away from the situation. At other times it may be better to get the school involved ... so really depends
Its easy to preach but we have to emphatise it’s difficult to walk away at their age so the most important thing is building a strong sense of morals and values
Help child learn how to say no. That’s very important. Don’t say anything much and walk away instead of being further aggravated by the situation.
Encourage them to talk to me so I know what’s going on. Then make them feel super loved first. Before dealing with the situation separately. I
Best would be to teach the kids on how to stand for yourself during such situation. These becomne life time lessons for them.
train my child to have his/her own defense mechanism and see how it goes.. if getting worse, I will take further action
Its very common... and the child needs to be strenghtened to know how to face such situations in life
Tell them to walk away but also inform school, no child should go through that
I believe learning to say no from peer pressure should start from baby steps