Is it okay to use medicated plaster on my back during pregnancy? Ive been having very bad lower back pain these days. Would like to apply something hot to ease it..

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May try to ask your hubby use some moiturize body lotion to apply on your and and help you to massage. It can ease the pain also.

Try this, buy at daiso $2. You can put warm water or ice, than place it on your back. Hope can solve you pain.

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Having the same pain now..the doc suggest me to use the hot water bag at the back pain

Not really... Everything you put on your skin goes in your blood system and from there in the placenta.

A good massage gel can help to relieve your back pain, wear a comfortable shoes with good support help too.

Not really, but you can apply eucalyptus oil, I had that too when I was pregnant, and it was help so much

I took hot bath with Epsom salt during pregnancy. After pregnancy, doctor said i can use Icy Hot

Yea. I think its okay. Bc i also use it during pregnancy.

Please ask your OB first. There might some brand that not suitable for pregnant woman

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From what i know, we can’t use medicated plaster while pregnant.