is it okay to give half spoon of honey everyday to 8 month old baby girl?

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Like what Yuna has mentioned, honey should not be given to children under the age of one because of the risk of getting botulism. To add on, here are some symptoms of infant botulism to look out for: - lethargy - feed poorly - constipation - have a weak cry or muscle tone - infant appears “floppy” (a possible sign of muscle atrophy) - facial weakness - impaired gag reflex Botulism can be life threatening. If you noticed your baby displaying any of these signs after having honey, do bring him/her to the doctors immediately. Symptoms would normally present within 12 to 36 hours. But they could also only show up to 14 days later. For more information, you can take a look at this article:

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Eeks, best to stop! Studies have shown that you should not give babies below 12 months honey because it can, very occasionally, contain a spore of a bacterium called clostridium botulinum, which a young baby's system cannot deal with. This can cause a rare form of food poisoning (botulism) in babies, which can be fatal in extreme cases. You should also avoid honey or anything sugary to your baby's foods and drinks is because they can be damaging to her emerging teeth and in the long run, baby might develop a sweet tooth.

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i think it's better to give baby honey after 1 yr old right? worried about allergy. do take note of an allergic reaction ya. Infant botulism is an illness that can happen when a baby ingests bacteria that produce a toxin inside the body. The condition can be frightening because it can cause muscle weakness and breathing problems.

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