Not gaining weight after I have lost quite a number of weights during my 1st tri

Not gaining weight

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Hi there! Congratulations on your pregnancy! It's totally normal to be concerned about not gaining weight, especially after losing some during your first trimester. First of all, don't panic - every pregnancy is different, and weight gain can vary from person to person. One thing to consider is your diet. Are you eating enough nutritious foods? Focus on incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats into your meals. This will ensure that you're getting the essential nutrients you and your baby need for a healthy pregnancy. Another factor to look at is your level of physical activity. While staying active is important, make sure you're not overexerting yourself. Moderate exercise like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga can help maintain a healthy weight gain. It's also a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider about your concerns. They can provide personalized guidance and reassurance based on your individual circumstances. Remember, every woman's body is unique, and weight gain during pregnancy can fluctuate. Try not to stress too much, and focus on taking care of yourself and your growing baby. You're doing great! Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy journey.

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1st Trimester is normal to lose weight, body is still adjusting. May due to loss of appetite too since nausea and vomiting is heightened. focus on staying hydrated, drink coconut water, eat healthy food. avoid heaty and spicy foods.

Don’t worry it’s normal to lose weight during trimester 1. Just don’t lose weight when you’re in trimester 3. I personally also lose weight in trimester 1. As long as gynae said baby is growing well then it’s fine!

Don’t worry abt it! I only started gaining weight very late in my Tri 2, in fact still losing weight till abt 20 odd weeks… I started gaining quicker in tri 3

try makan makanan yg sikit tapi kerap

10mo ago

yup. I did. but I am still not gaining weight.

17 weeks now and I lost 6kg

10mo ago

Yes, I’m having morning sickness until today

