12 Balas

Green poop may indicate a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance in breastfed babies, which results in your baby is getting a larger portion of foremilk (watery milk) than hindmilk (thicker, fattier milk). Though this can cause tummy discomfort, it doesn't indicate a milk supply issue or problem with your milk.

VIP Member

Formula ke? If formula is normal sbkn iron. If bf, kekuningan gitu..

kalau anak saya susu minum susu formula normal ke najis warna ni

fully breastfeeding? klu fully mungkin kurang mendapat hindmilk.

Betul. Jgn tukar breast masa mnyusu. Bg baby hisap satu breast hgga hbis.

anak minum susu fm ke..klo ye..mmg normal hijau momy..

sis..nak tanye bby sy bru ni berak warne cmni,normal ke

biasa kalo hijau cmni,perut baby kembung

Tak.. Green poop may indicate a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance in breastfed babies, which results in your baby is getting a larger portion of foremilk (watery milk) than hindmilk (thicker, fattier milk). Though this can cause tummy discomfort, it doesn't indicate a milk supply issue or problem with your milk.

Rasa mcm xnormal kna bwak jumpa doc tu sis

Kurang minum susu niiii… najis pekat..

najis ank saya pon clour hijau ni..normal ke?

tapi Klau baby tuhh mnom susu formula . mcm mna ye?

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