Knee pain

Hi, is it normal to have knee pain after birth when bending up and down?

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I experienced knee pain a few months ago. I decided to consult an orthopaedic doctor at Cove Orthopaedic Clinic to get a better understanding of what might be causing it and how to address it effectively. Dr Sean Ng provided a personalised treatment and urged me to rest and prevent overexertion. My visit with him helped me manage my persistent knee pain.

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I experience knee pain while walking at week 38-39. The doctor said that it’s normal due to the weight we need to carry.

Hey, Yes it might happen due to calcium inefficiency. I would suggest have more milk and increase your calcium intake


I had that too plus lower back pain. I got help of traditional Chinese massage and that relieved the pain

Oh yes! It’s very normal ...


I don't experience that. It may due to your heavy tummy that puts pressure on your knee. You can wear compression socks or reduce bending to prevent the pain and discomfort.