9 Replies

Me too .. I was going through an emotional turmoil which nobody around me was pregnant before and never understood what I was going through.. I was constantly on a verge to divorce with my husband … It’s not easy mummy.. I am 26 weeks now and just finally overcome my emotions and start to relax a little .. and I am happier each day now! Just remember , don’t worry too much about your pregnancy so long as you have done your part to take care such as drinking enough water, taking your vitamins .. honestly the rest are not beyond our control .. but it’s always good to voice out and have an avenue to speak to..

I guess it’s normal. I was worrying about my baby all the time. But I also tried to have happy thoughts! I talked to her a lot and I loved her companionship. The truth is, life is easier now, as compared to what’s coming up next when baby is here. It’s only wise to get all the rest and sleep, you will be kissing it goodbye in the near future 🥺

it could be the hormones. but having emotional support from your husband/partner, family and friends would help. it can be hard to tell ourselves "try to stay positive" when pregnancy is overwhelming. speak to someone or even share your feelings/experiences here on this app so you can get some support from others who will understand you 💛

I'm feeling it now too. Also in my 22nd week. Just feeling listless, unenergised, emotionally unbalanced. I don't know how to get out of this cycle too. But I'm sure this shall pass, and the support of your loved ones around you especially your husband matters. Jiayou mummy, we can do it 😊

I am like that too :( i get irritated and annoyed and emotional easily, but not as bad as when I was in my first tri. Take a breath sis, I guess it's normal but ensure that your husband understands what you're going through and is able to give you proper support. Jiayou!

Yesss very normal! Ive cried most during pregnancy. Even the littlest thing or cry for nothing. Mainly is because of our hormone. I too thought i was having depression but i dont think so. And i realised i needed my husband to be around more for me to feel ok

Yes because of hormones. We tend to be more emotional during pregnancy that's why we need a strong support system throughout this journey.

try to do things that u like & makes u happier.. of cos not vigorous movements, keep urself happier = ul have a happier child :) jiayouuu

It’s normal. Hormones is the culprit. I get easily emotional throughout the whole pregnancy. Hang in there, mommy.

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